Hello! I'm Chau

Welcome to my website

I am a little person with a passion in AI and really love art

Hi I'm Nguyen Minh Chau,

A Computer Science Student & an Artist

I'm interested in Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Reinforcement Learning. I also like drawing and singing. Sometimes I have an eager to make music but I am still learning about music theories. I used to dreamed of a software engineer so I am learning about tech stacks to build a web, app,... I always wonder if software, machine learning and IoT can be together so I try to combine them by deploy deep learning stuff that I make into Raspberry Pi and connect with other devices or webs and apps.

IDE & Libraries

  • Google Colab, Visual Studio Code
  • Pytorch, Scikit-Learn, Keras, Pandas

Main Skills

  • Problem Solving Skills
  • A person with positive attitude
  • Hard Working

My Projects

Build music searching system

Time: 09/2020 - 12/2020


  • Crawl music and music lyrics from music websites
  • Build keyword and lyric query model


  • Create a self-modified system to solve search lyrics problem
  • Vietnamese music and music lyrics dataset